1st of Many

This I hope to be the first of many posts about music.  Under strict instructions or advisement I have been told that I should go back and start writing a blog.  This is great for two reasons, One it's therapy  for me to keep one's mind occupied.  The second reason for educational value.  These posts are to educate the reader.  I will try to be informative as possible and once again like my previous blogspot is to give suggestions to the suggestible reader.  Please if I need to correct something in a post, don't call me out on it on this page.  Send me an e-mail at the hotmail address.  I love music and it is my passion, and with that passion is enthusiasm.  I put up a photo Ornette Coleman's Free Jazz as the first post of many for a few reasons.  If you enjoy this music therefore you will enjoy this blog.  The other reason is well for people who know me well enough, Ornette is my music hero.  He is one of countless others, but If I had to say as a direct influence he would be the one that "made me pull over on the side of the road and shake my head." I heard him the first time when I was 18 years old.  By that time I was listening to a lot of music from all genres of music and he was the one who personally changed the way I looked at music as something as entertainment or background noise on the car radio.  With each post there will be a photo that may or may not have to do with the post.  I'm truly in awe of photography, album art or pop culture time capsules.  This to capture you into viewing my blog.  Lastly, this is not an ego thing.  As I said in the first sentence this is to inform you and to keep my mind from wandering.  I have had a lot of that lately and that will keep me from doing that.  Enjoy and soon post two will be around the corner for your curiosity and view.  Cheers and thanks to the few who encouraged me to start this again. You know who you are.  


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