Friends With Mud

As in the last post, and in this one too I talk about being a fly on the wall.  We here is another.  Three Blues greats in one sitting.  Willie Dixon who is a seasoned Blues musician and Buddy Guy who Muddy found after Buddy moved from Louisiana to Chicago.  These three and some not to shabby session people made this great album.

I have always been a fan of the Blues.  It all started with my copy of the complete recordings of Robert Johnson and the best of Muddy Waters cassette that I got at the local record store for $1 was my second.  It was these two that got me more and more into the blues.  It was not soon after I picked up a Paul Butterfield and a B.B. King.  I felt that these made me go down the correct path.

This album is no exception to what is needed to start a great Blues collection.  This album rewards you after one listen and you listen to it again and again.  I recently took it out to play and Muddy's soul just pops right out.  He has a lot to say in these songs and it's raw stripped down sound makes it all the better. A great album deserves attention and this is one that should be played and played as often as you can.  There are many reasons Muddy is up their with the greats and this will be a favorite with you as well.


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