Danny's Street

I know for a fact there are people who are reading this blog who have no idea who the person in the picture above is. I did not know much about the man above either till I was 25 years old, but I remember buying an album he put out in 1991. I thought it was so great that I wanted to hear more and the people who asked did not know much about him. At one point he was know for being the best unknown guitar player out there. Truth is Danny Gatton should have been more recognized. His mix of Jazz, Blues, Rockabilly, Rock, Country is something very few people can do and make it sound so great that they are known.

A friend of mine told me that he can play anything he wanted to and make it sound so great that you were scratching your head trying to figure out how the hell did he do it. When I first heard 88 Elmira Street I had no idea how great it was. I thought it was good, but I was stupidly and selfishly into things that somehow required more attention. I mean you listen to that album and if you too are not impressed than there is something wrong with your musical ear. I still own it and if I just want to hear talent and greatness. I had a chance to see him up in Massachusetts and I did not. Sure, I am kicking myself in the ass too. I always go on instinct and this time I did not. Danny was an amazing guitar player who should have been talked about in the same breath as Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Jeff Beck and countless others. Sad that the people who knew about him loved him and the people who discovered him late, wished that he was still around to play and witness his magic.

Like some of my posts if you have not noticed their are artist that should be talked about among great music fans. They are not talked about often, but you might find a person who shares your views about the artist. The same friend who introduced me to him was the same person who I look up to for all things Danny Gatton. He is great friend with his family and has a shitload of stuff that has never been put out. When he handed me 88 Elmira St. he told me that it will never leave your CD player for at least a month. He did not exaggerate about that. It was a moment where I should look and study him more, moreover I wanted to pick my friend brain about Danny as a person that only a few knew about. To my friend Danny is the guitar god that we should know. While I get laughed at for thinking Terje Rypdal or Leo Kottke as geniuses Danny is a man I should put up on that ledge.

Danny's album 88 Elmira Street is the album that is so great that it would appeal to everyone. The fun part of the album are the three covers. One is lesser known to some people but still a good quality cover. The other two are well known in the music circles. The first is the cover of "In My Room" by the Beach Boys. It's my dad's favorite. The other is a scorching cover of the Simpson's theme song. It shows great skill for Danny on guitar and not only that his banjo playing is outstanding. I more then likely burned a hole in the CD playing this song in the car every chance I could get. I even had someone at a traffic light ask me if that really was the Simpson's theme. Even the originals written by Danny are amazing.

So, if you are looking for a hidden gem in the music that is so vast and different you should try to find this one. I believe the CD is out of print, but can be find for a steal on eBay for less the $10.00. It is a wonderful addition to your music collection. It won a Grammy and was a worth every penny when it was first released. Kudos to Elektra for having the corporate balls to put this out; short, chunky, and middle-aged, Danny Gatton was a bona fide guitar hero for the '90s, putting the lie to the hard canard that only speedburner metal mega-hair dudes can make the front covers of the guitar mags. (AM) Enjoy! I am sure you will tell me that it is a masterpiece once you listen.


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