Saturate Jackson

The first time I heard Jackson Browne was when I was a teenager. I bought one of his later albums called Lives in the Balance. I thought it was okay, but nothing to write home about. I really wanted to hear what I heard on the radio stations. This was not it and if this was my first impression of Jackson Browne then I more then likely would have never listened to him again. I would go around finding his albums at tag sales and it took me a bit to find them but when I did I was richly rewarded. The music from his early efforts are so much better then the stuff I heard and I am glad I gave it time.

Jackson Browne was a mystery to me after hearing that album I bought, but with these early albums they had more of a feel that I really liked. The music was far superior then what I was expecting. I was happy to hear that this stuff was so much better then I thought. I listened to the music and the words and it was all very very good. It had a Seventies feel, but it was still timeless and wonderful. I' am glad that I decided to start from the beginning because these songs were so good. Even the vocal harmonies where just classic.

One thing with Jackson Browne is that he can paint a really great picture of his songs. The lyrics are great and the music is so crisp and fresh. What else can you say. I know there are people out there who really are apprehensive about listening to him. Don't be because he will just be a new door for you to open. "Jackson Browne's sensibility is romantic in the best sense of the term: his songs are capable of generating a highly charged, compelling atmosphere throughout, and - just as important - of sustaining that pitch in the listener's mind long after they've ended."(RS) Jackson Browne's greater triumph is that, having perfectly expressed its times, it transcended them as well.

I am glad I took the chance on his early albums. His song writing was still a stuff of history because he wrote with the Eagles and also Nico. Both have some of their most memorable songs written by Jackson Browne. I do wish I could go back in time when these were created, because I heard his tours for this were quite amazing. I even heard he did a double bill with Warren Zevon. I bet those shows must have been great. He also had a really great guitar player named David Lindley on his early stuff and also the guests of people playing with him were quite amazing. I mean Bonnie Raitt, Elton John, Terry Reid, Joni Mitchell and the Eagles as I said before and the whole world actually. He was the singer songwriter that everyone wanted to play with.

Get this and you too will love his music. I really do enjoy a good rock album with great musicians and with great songwriting. I suggest you try him and if you don't have his stuff try the first one and I am sure you will enjoy what you here. The music is fresh and really great and really fun. Jackson can really say it better then anybody else. Enjoy! Have a blast from the past and I am sure you will understand why Jackson Browne is one of my favorites.


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