Fire of Galaxie

Name a band that has 3 Harvard Graduates. I am not sure if you know this band. They are called Galaxie 500. When I was just starting High School I was hung around a group of upperclassmen who were in the new fresh music. Some of it was not new like The Cure, R.E.M, The Smiths and Psychedelic Furs. One person who I liked in the group I hung out with was a fan of that stuff and a band called Galaxie 500. She told me she liked them because they were from Boston and told me how hip they were. Galaxie 500 were only around for a few years (1987-1991).

I liked the music she played for me. The R.E.M was really cool. I was a classic rock guy and I wanted to hear something new and fun. The Cure was good too, but it had moments of depression and then Galaxie 500 came and took me to another world. They were full of guitars and wonderful words. This band talked the talk and walked the walk. I was impressed. They were a trio, but a trio that had a full sound. There were no keyboard or cheesy sounding vocals, but a sound like no other for it's time.

One of the albums I used to hear from her tape deck in her car was On Fire. With that in her tape rotation she would play On Fire along with Green by R.E.M. At one time both of those albums were my favorites to listen to. We sadly did not last in the relationship department but while we were seeing each other We did see Galaxie 500 in Boston and they rocked.

What struck me with Galaxie 500 was the no frills of their music. They were never played on MTV nor did they have any commercial success, but if you were around when I was in the late 80's and early 90's the college stations would play them. That's where I got most of my indie music loves. I started liking Sonic Youth at this time too.

What was more interesting about Galaxie 500 was the fact when they added a cover of a song on an album, and they did on each of their album it was not a cheesy song that everybody knew, it was a song that made it sound it was their own song. On the album On Fire, they do an unusual cover of a George Harrison song. "Isn't It A Pity" sounds like a song they wrote. The song is very well done. Other covers they did were "Final Day" by Young Marble Giants, and "Don't Let Your Youth Go To Waste" by Jonathan Richman and even a very classy cover of "Ceremony" by Joy Division.

They did it all. There were no powerhouse solos on guitar, but great smart rock and roll. If you are in need of a great album from the 80's that is no frill and just straight ahead then I suggest this one. It's wonderful to hear something different. I just found out today that the re-issues of all their albums are coming in March. This is something I am looking forward to. Take a trip when Indie music was not that readily around, and you had to ask for it in hush hush terms. Enjoy!!


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