Waiting for Columbus And His Feat

In the late 80's to early 90's I was obsessed with listening to Classic Rock radio.  I even did a work study with the local Rock station so I can know the in's and out's of how the process of being a disc jockey.  I loved it so much that I wanted to quit school and just do that for the rest of my life.  Everyday I would rush home to listen to DJ that was on this station that I did the work study for and hear him educate me on the finer points of music.  He also turned me on to few bands I knew that I would like. When I did my work study he handed me a copy of Waiting For Columbus. I stupidly asked him where are the hits; "Texas Twister" and "Let it Roll?" He pointed out that (and nicely) that those songs are when they reunited after almost a nine year absence from music after their lead singer Lowell George died.  The stuff on this album is the stuff of legend.  The period that Lowell George was in the band was the music YOU needed to listen to.

At that same time I worked at the local library.  At the library they had Little Feat too, but not Waiting for Columbus.  I was confused.  I grabbed the library's Little Feat album and showed it to the DJ.  He told me that I should listen to that just as much as Waiting.  The album I had showed him was Hoy-Hoy. That was compilation of rare songs and overlooked tracks that highlighted the music that Little Feat and Lowell George did together.  With both I could really get the idea what Little Feat were as a band and a driving force of great southern boogie and funk.  It was around that time I had found a copy of Waiting at a tag sale for cheap.  

My education of Little Feat was great because not only did I get music that was timely for the time period that I got introduced to them, but the DJ I learned from was a big fan and he got me tickets to see them at a club.  I was underage, but I went as his guest and they could not do a damn thing.  After the show I was in awe.  This band could do no wrong.  This band even though they been out of the music limelight for some time could still bring down the house and the crowd was extremely receptive.  My father went to the show too and he was in shock too.  All the way home he told me that next time I go record shopping I need to get their albums.  This music was awesome.  

Hearing them on the radio all the time made me crank up the volume every time I heard them.  They are talented musicians and Lowell was an amazing singer that fit extremely well with the rest of the band.  Seeing them live must have been awesome.  I can totally understand after the death of Lowell that they did not want to continue.  His voice is unmistakable.  He and the band could do no wrong.  Even better was some of Neon Park's artwork.  They fit together like a glove and I'm sure he was in the studio with the band when he did some of that artwork.  See below for the artwork on this album below.  He is up there with Rick Griffin's artwork who adorned some Grateful Dead albums.  Both shaped American Rock and Roll artwork.  

So if your wondering where to start or even wanting a import live album beside all the ones we know of.  Little Feat's Waiting For Columbus is one of the best.  It's up there with the Allman's and The Who's and Van Morrison's and the like.  So many to name to be honest, but this Little Feat album is the album that if you see in stores or looking for something to get you moving then this is the one. It may not have those twenty minute jams, but it surely some great Southern swampy funk.  The signature of Lowell and company signature sound.  The best version of the album is the Rhino re-issue with a ton of bonus music and great liner notes.

In all seriousness Lowell's voice was something special.  Within a year of the he put his one solo album and passed away at the young age of 34.  His music was music of a legend.  His voice was silky smooth and quite addicting.  Beside getting this album pick up (if you can find it) Thanks I'll Eat Here.  His voice shines like on early Little Feat albums and even better it feels like a classic Swamp Rock, Roots Rock, Blues Rock and R&B all rolled into one.  It shows his true influences and is not what expect, but the results are awesome.  He was truly talented and will be missed.  Enjoy!


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