Creedence's Music Factory

Even though I learned Classic Rock through the radio and my family, I learned about the unsung heroes of Classic Rock through my neighbor. It was my best friends mom who turned me on to Buffalo Springfield, Jefferson Airplane, Steppenwolf, and Creedence Clearwater Revival. I am sure there were so many others, but the way she would listen to music twelve hours a day plus, I cannot remember what she was bopping to one minute to the next. I would walk to school and the school was right behind our houses. I would leave in the morning walking to school hearing "Born To Be Wild" one day and the next day would be "Dream On" the next. Coming home she be outside working around the house to make it look pretty. She ask me to come over for lemonade and show me her progress. She would not educate me on the music, but tell me that the band we were hearing at the time kicked ass. Her favorite band was Creedence Clearwater Revival. Once a day she play the best of Creedence at full blast and we would sing to it.

Then one day the music stopped. I heard it in the morning while I was getting on the bus to the middle school. I heard some Steve Miller or something and when I got home I heard more music. By the time supper rolled around the music ended. No reason at all. It was a hot June day and the my best friend was not home from college, he was working on kinda summer program where he was going. It was close for me to go see him again for the weekend. I was all excited to see him. Usually after supper I go over my best friends house to help his mother with projects or just to chill out. Well this time I went over and I saw the door was closed and locked, so I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I did not see her leave. She would never lock the door unless she was going out. Since she hated driving and always walked to her destinations. I thought nothing of it to use my key to get in. If she was out, she would be right back. I called my best friends sister and asked if she was up there. They had not seen her and told me to let me know if I see her. I went in the house and called her name. I passed the living room and got to the bathroom. I called her name and looked towards the bathroom. The light was on and then I looked down. She was dead. She slit her wrists and there was blood everywhere. I ran back home and told my parents to call the police and call my best friends father and my best friend. It was the hardest thing I had to do. From that point on I did not listen to CCR for about 6 years.

I would any excuse why I would not listen to them. Even when I heard them on the radio I would change the station. Then I decided to change my view of CCR when I went to college. When I entered my first year back after a five year work, earn money, life experience time I went to the used record store in town. I saw all the CCR albums for sale. These were like six dollars. So one day I picked up all of them. I figured if I was going to eventually do an Classic Rock show I might as well find the gems I remember when I was a kid and play them on the air. I think after that day I felt a bit better remembering my best friends mom. If she was there with me I am sure she would have helped me picked all the songs I needed.

CCR is a great band, there is no doubt, but the songs you do hear on the radio do not reflect what they can do. I know you must hear them every day on the radio, but have you ever heard them play the full length version of "I Heard It Through The Grape Vine"or "Suzie Q" Each album has a choice lengthy cut that leaves each album on a great note. With Cosmo's Factory you have their longest song. One of the greatest Motown songs ever. CCR kills the song and gives it their identity as well.

Well If I do suggest anything on this blog, this might be an important one. Listen to the Classic Rock, but find the hidden gems. I see people buy greatest hits packages. Do you know that most of the songs on the albums are so much better then the hits. CCR is proof of that and each album should be explored with the richness it deserves. I picked Cosmo's Factory for one reason. That was my very first CCR album. Enjoy! Remember how music was in the late 60's, but also remember that CCR was one of the best for a short time. Have fun! I am back too!


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