Sneakin' Sally and Robert

We have all scene the video with Robert Palmer and the ladies playing the instruments. I mean at one point that was the only video on MTV that was on. I think they used to play that video about 10 times a day just to get your attention. If I recall the video was even done in a Weird Al style too. Nevertheless, it's Robert Palmer's early albums that I like. He was taken away to soon and a man full of R&B and Soul was greatly missed.

I think I started liking Robert Palmer around the time of that video, but it was Classic Rock radio in the car that turned me on to him. The radio never played that song, but they played stuff from his 1970's period. They play song's from his late 70's early 80's albums. The albums that led him to this height in popularity. One day that all changed for the better. I used to listen to a radio station that used to play the top 1006 songs of all time. Each year they would pick the best songs ever. The order was never different which was great because every year they added new surprises. One years surprises was even earlier Robert Palmer.

When the DJ pointed out before playing the song that was dated in 1974 I got excited. I said finally something else from this man (Robert Palmer) that I never heard. He also mentioned there are 2 more songs from this album on the countdown. He played it, and I was floored beyond belief. It was funky and soulful and most of all it was a Robert Palmer I never heard. I was hooked. I called the DJ and asked him what song numbers on the countdown are the other songs. He told me that they are in the top 200 so I would have to listen closely. After hearing "Sailing Shoes" I was hooked. The other two song I did catch and they were awesome.

So if I had to pick the album that defined me as a Robert Palmer fan then I would pick Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley. It is a wonderful introduction of the Soul, Funk and R&B that Robert Palmer was known for. It even has a really good back up band as well. He has Lowell George from Little Feat on Guitar and the rest of the band is The Meters. They are an amazing band if you have never heard them. Robert Palmer's voice works very well with the band that does a great job of being funky. Sometimes I wish that Robert Palmer was still alive because he sure would have made some more great music. Enjoy a great 1974 classic.


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