While hunting for music one day in 1994 I was trying to find something that would broaden my horizons.  I was enrolled in the local community college taking classes and already had a good idea of all the subjects that I learned I was leaning toward a English or Humanities degree.  I was being taught by some of the best professors that I had ever come across.  I also was also learning a lot about music and music I had never heard before and was totally blown away by all the cool stuff that was out there.  What was even better was that I would come across music that not only piqued my interest, but the people I liked showed up on other albums.  Their friendship was music that would cross the musical boundaries and genres.

For a few semesters I had a two to three hour gap between classes. Instead of going home I would bring or go out for lunch.  Also I would go back to the local book and record store.  One day I decided to venture to the local new and used record shop.  I had very good luck finding things and also had a good friendship with the owner and record seller.  If he saw something I liked or would like he would set it aside for me.  With all the music I bought from him he knew my tastes and if the CD was used he would give me a discount.

One Day I came in the store and he must have known I was going to arrive and he had a huge stack of used CD's behind the counter.  He told me that these you should check out.  If you don't want any just file them where they belong he told me.  There had to be at least about twenty used CD's that he handed me.  I quickly went through them not sure what I was looking for or gaining my interest.  One of the CD's was by a guitar player named John Scofield.  I remember I had one CD at home with him and Pat Metheny and I liked a lot.  It was laid back and very enjoyable.  This one had musicians I recognized from other albums in my collection.  There was Bill Frisell and Joey Baron from the Naked City album I got and Charlie Haden who was on those Ornette Coleman albums I really enjoyed.  What was cool that they were all on this album.  This must me pretty cool I told the guy behind the counter.  He told me that he liked it, but it was not the typical Scofield he knew so he passed on it.

I decided to get it and with my discount it was $5.00 so I was getting a deal.  I grabbed a few others and took them home.  When I got back to school I showed one of the professors what I got and he was quite impressed with the music I had chosen.  He asked to take a listen of the John Scofield while he had office hours.  He was impressed with the album.  The title Grace Under Pressure fits the album well and is much better then its namesake by an album by Rush.  We laughed and continued playing the album.  I loved it and wanted to hear more.  The next time I came to the record store I asked for more John Scofield and was excited with every purchase.

Grace Under Pressure is a great album for anyone who loves guitar.  It's album that even with the added horn section sounds great.  As I said above the backing band can have their own group if they wanted to as well.  You can't go wrong with Bill Frisell, Charlie Haden and Joey Baron.  Each is extremely talented and your only wish is that they recorded a live album together to see how these songs sounded live.  There is a lot to digest and rewards you when you hear the song again.  They are truly amazing.  One song that I loved on the album was a song "Twang" The song really showcases the band and the horn section.  Even cooler is hearing an acoustic guitar dubbed over the electric guitar parts.  It's an awesome song and hearing Joey Baron play in his own quirky way with the beat is amazing.  I would call it a shuffle, but not sure that is right name for it.  It's damn' good though.

If you are familiar with John Scofield with Medeski and Martin and Wood, then this is not for you, but if you want four Jazz superstars playing the at the hight of their powers then this album is for you.  I love it and when I was playing it the other day I was still in awe how awesome they sound.  Great for the Jazz guitar fan or even just a music fan.  Wonderful music for all things Blue Note (the record's label) and all things Jazz.


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