Happy Birthday Brew

This is only a sneak peak of my thoughts on Bitcbes Brew as it turns 50 years old today.  I will return this week with some new posts.  I have a few ideas lines up.  Enjoy this short though on a classic Miles Davis album

I can only imagine going to the record store today in March of 1970 and picking up Bitches Brew. I know there were albums leading up to this monumental moment, but then this was the prize a double LP and with ninety-four minutes of music and majority of the songs longer then ten minutes. These songs expanded on the Tribute to Jack Johnson that came out the year before. All in All it was perfect. I got this album when I was in High School and it has not left my sight. Got it on cassette and could not figure out why a song could be so long. For a while I thought the cassette was mislabeled and there were two or three songs in one. That changed when I found the LP for a cheap $5.00 at a record store. I could not figure it out why these songs went on forever and still kept my interest. I could not figure out why call it Bitches Brew. Now, I still am trying to figure it out after so many listens I lost count. It's an album that still blows my mind. An album that makes me smile when I listen to it. Like that kid who bought it when it came out who was ready to hear every note on every song. It might be a little chaotic for some, but to the well versed Miles listener it's awesome. Happy 50th to one of my desert island discs and all around awesome pieces of music BITCHES BREW.


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