The Wilbury Supergroup

When I was in my early years in high school I would often go to the local record store after school. It was less then a mile away and I would walk over after or go with a friend.  If I had a few extra bucks or did a few extra chores I was ready to spend the hard earned money I had.  I also worked at the local library so I always had a few more extra dough in my hand to play around with.  This record store was always new there was never anything used.  He always had the new releases and was a good wealth of knowledge and pointed me in the right direction.  He only lasted a few years but it was always fun to go.

One day I went in to find something new to listen to.  He mentioned this supergroup that had a new album out.  He knew I knew most of the members.  I knew Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty. I knew a little about Jeff Lynne and Roy Orbison but I could identify the songs on the radio.  He mentioned that they went under the name The Traveling Wilbury's.  An interesting name, but they had an album simply called Volume One. It was not very long, but was loaded with huge influences of all those artists.  I mean who does not want to hear an album with Roy Orbison and George Harrison or Bob Dylan and Tom Petty.  To the band it must been a great idea to do this.  It sure sounded great.

When I got home I popped open the cassette and put it on my stereo in my room.  My dad listened for a second.  He looked at me and gave me the dad approval.  He asked me at dinner who was on my stereo.  I mention the name and he laughed because the name sounded crony and seriously made up.  I played the album a second time for him.  He recognized Petty's, Dylan's and Harrison's.  When it came to Roy Orbison's he was taken aback.  The song "Not Alone Anymore" gave him flashbacks.  "Boy!  Roy Orbison still has a beautiful voice after all these years," he said.  I could see in dad's eyes that he missed that good old Rock and Roll he grew up with and the music of his young adulthood.  After his listen he looked at me and handed me a $20 dollar bill and asked me to buy him the record version so he could play it on the family stereo.

After many listens I could not wait to tell my friends about this amazing album.  Some of my friends loved it and others were like who and who and Bob Dylan and George Harrison and that Tom Petty guy?  They were not impressed or found other music that was better or something.  I could not figure it out.  I was on my own on this album, but by the tenth time listening to it I knew most of the words to the songs.  I could not sing well and at one point my dad made joke about my singing that I needed subtitles to understand.  I didn't care I loved the album and the getting together for the sessions must have been a blast.  I can only imagine coming in the studio one day and George excited to hear the new Bob Dylan song for the band.

When you hear the album each song has a hook that keeps you wanting more and more.  At some moments the album has a vintage early Rock and Roll sound and on the tracks it sounds like the modern 1989 sound when it was recorded.  One song comes to mind of vintage Bob Dylan with a narrative about a guy named Monkey Man.  It's harmony by the rest of the band has a song that is epic.  If the song could be longer then it's five and half minutes I'm sure Bob Dylan could have told more of the story.  This is what I like about the album that makes it perfect.  Another tune called "Rattled"  It is a true Roy Orbison song. If Orbison did not die I'm sure there would have been many more albums.  Sure there is Volume 3 but there could have been more and possibly a tour.

If you like supergroups or well crafted musicians then this is the album for you.  This album is one of the best.  It has the best people in the band, catchy songs and a little bit of humor.  There may never be a band or at least in our time where a bunch of great friends get together to record.  It may be unique and fun, but that gives this album a bit of charm.  After a few spins I'm sure your with this album you find out that this is quite addicting.


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