So, the story goes after the second album came out by YES they were approached that if their next album does not gather either enough revenue or popularity Atlantic records might drop them from their roster of artists that Atlantic has.  These Atlantic artists at that time included King Crimson, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, J. Giles Band, Aretha Franklin, Led Zeppelin, Crosby, Stills & Nash, and a countless others.  Atlantic Records cornered the market on many genres and styles of music.  They owned Progressive Rock heavy hitters and Soul artists who always put out quality music.  If you wanted to get famous or want airplay Atlantic Records were sure to deliver.  At the beginning of the decade and early in the decade it was sure that if you heard a song on the radio it was a chance Atlantic Records put it it out.  They had "h(it") all and for me every other record I owned had Atlantic's name on it.

When it came to YES my collection was very small.  I only knew the over played song on the radio "Owner of a Lonely Heart." I also knew some of their songs were played on the radio and also without fail would think they were someone else.  One song for the longest time on this album here The Yes Album I presumed it was Chicago.  The harmonies were Chicago like, but stupid me there were no horns.  I was a bit clueless, but in 1989 I knew very little except all the songs on the local Classic Rock radio station.  When they did their top 1006 songs of all time is when I payed a bit more attention.  I would look at the previous list and see what moved up or down the charts.  I would pay attention to songs I loved and highlighted it for a future purchase.  YES was the best example of me wanting to hear more.

One day after going over the list in school I was approached by a friend who wanted to go record shopping.  He was excited that he was loaned his fathers record collection and now wanted to build his own collection.  He had wheels so who am I to complain.  I would set aside a few extra dollars and go record hunting with him.  He knew that I too had started a collection of records.  There were a few that where my fathers, but most of mine came from tag sales or the record store close by.  My friend wanted to check out the two record stores that were in the next town over.  We had a habit to go every Saturday that I was not working and go shopping.  It was fun and my collection grew and grew. His did the same, but to be honest he had a head start with the larger inherited collection.

After a few times record shopping and my mental list of what I wanted to get on LP and or cassette it became clear I need to hear more YES.  I was not sure where to start, but the song I mistake for Chicago was a good place to start.  I asked my friend if he could help me find it.  When I went over to the section all the prices were more then I had on hand.  I went back to the cassettes.  There were two copies.  I put it down for a minute to look at something else and the cassette was gone. I looked around and no idea if I was in the wrong section or I just misplaced it.  After I did find decide to buy something I just bought it and left.  When we got in the car he handed me the cassette I left on the LP's. He gave me a smile.  "The owner is way too high and won't go down in price if we offer him a price so I snagged it for you" he said.  I kinda felt guilty, but on the hand he was right.  Over time I did get the records to add to the collection.  In addition to The Yes Album I added Close to the Edge, Relayer, Fragile, Tales of Topographic Oceans and YesShows.

Around that time I was on a Box Set kick.  I mentioned before how I got Eric Clapton's. Now with a little bit more money I picked up a YES Box Set.  YesYears helped me get my collection more well rounded and added more music that was not released.  Around the same time I went see a reunion of YES at the local arena. I walked out of the show more impressed with their music then ever before and I knew I made the right choice in music. I liked YES a lot and seeing them live and in person was truly amazing.  The box set helped because of the awesome booklet that came with it.  The liner notes in the book also came with a family tree of who and when each band member was and where they came from and where they went to after departing YES. When I told my friend about the box set he seemed uninterested.  I reassured him that there were unreleased music and a family tree.  About a month later he came up to me.  He was thankful that the new/old music helped him a lot.  He even liked the family tree that came with it.  We were also very impressed with the sound.  It sounded much better then what we heard before.

Over the next few years I kept on playing the box set but still wanted to listened to the original albums.  They reissued them but the bonus music was gone.  I was upset, because some of that bonus music was what made the album more appealing.  Finally in 2003 after another Box Set (which I bought) they had another re-issue. These included bonus material and each album came with a nice set of liner notes.  I felt complete for now right?  So did my friend and he told me that this would be complete enough for him.

In 2018 it all changed.  I was going through my normal music wish list to see what I can get and sure enough a new set of YES re-issues came out.  This time they were remixed by none other then Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree.  My eyes widened and a smile with excitement.

Not only did remix them he made them sound better then before.  They sounded so much better it felt like a whole new album.  I told my friend this.  Unimpressed by him and to prove I was right I had to buy the box.  I had to show him.  I came over his house and show him.  I told him not only was there all the classic YES albums, but also included was all new artwork and new sound.  It took a bit of convincing, but I got him to hear it in a whole new light.  New and fresh to the ears, I felt like it was a whole  new beginning for being a YES fan and or a new fan who just started getting into YES.

So if you want to start your YES collection then you should start with the album that was the make or break for them. The album that included a few songs that made an impression like no other.  The album that made a statement even with it's title The Yes Album.  It was what started the ball rolling for YES and for the fans that more then likely gave them the fan for life feeling.  YES in their early years were amazing.  If Sci-Fi was a movie genre then YES was one of the lead in that genre.  Over the years they made many peoples head spin.  YES made my head spin until I got dizzy, but when I did it felt good. PLAY IT LOUD.

Loneliness is a power that we possess to give or take away forever
All I know can be shown by your acceptance of the fact there shown before you
Take what I say in a different way and it's easy to say that this is all confusion
As I see a new day in me, I can also show if you and you may follow


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