TROPICALIA CHAPTER SIX: Further Listening and Reading

When it comes to a great study and musical overview Tropicalia E Proibido Proibir or A Brazilian Revolution in Sound is worth finding.  A Soul Jazz Records release It's seventy minutes of music plus. It's fifty plus page booklet really helps the new listener to Tropicalia and a person like me who loves this period in Brazilian music.

This quick study of the Tropicalia movement is far from complete.  I want you the readers to read more about this interesting era in world history.  There is more and more information I learn every day.  I mentioned it once and I will do it again with this post. My information here on these writings only are a small fish in a larger pond.  In conclusion I recommend these albums.  The Tom Ze and the Jorge Ben are also very essential listening.

The Tom Ze These albums came out in 1973 and 1976.  The above came out in 73' and below '76 are considered some of the best albums in Brazilian music.  There is also another Luaka Bop Greatest Hits of Tom Ze and one also called Hips of Tradition well worth seeking out.  He put a concept album out called Fabrication Defect that is an interesting listen.  I saw the tour and Tortoise, yes that Tortoise (the Post Rock band) was his backing band.  Pretty cool stuff.  

When You mention Jorge Ben you have to mention how profound his music was to change the direction of what Tropicalia was.  He only made one album during the period and it's influence changed the way both Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil changed their music.  Jorge's album from 1970 (below) and 1976 (below this picture) are great examples of music that Jorge Ben would put out.  His 1976 album has a real true Rock and Roll faire to them.  If you close your eyes and listen to the music then you think this was an American Rock album from the same period.

There is so much music and stories I missed, but I hope this is a good primer to start your investigation.  I must say this era makes me learn more and more every time I do some self directed research. I love this music a lot and once in a while I will either find more information about this era or find an album from the era and listen to it in a different way.  The way I listen to it as if I was around Brazil in 1968-69 and hear what they are trying to say and tell their fans and Brazilians at that time.

The third to last photo of music is an album Gilberto Gil and Jorge Ben did together they both made an incredible masterpiece of Brazilian (world) music for us to enjoy. It's the longest in terms of music then all of the others.  It's a double album and about seventy-four minutes worth of music and it's mostly acoustic.  It's rare on CD and not even available as an MP3 unless you know the ways to find it. In the future I might amend these posts to let you know more revelations or updates on where to find the music.  Find this music enjoyable like I did and that is the first step.  Loving it is a bigger step. I don't expect you to jump into like I did, but give it a chance and I think you won't be disappointed.  

After almost 24 years Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil made a Tropicalia album  The album below Tropicalia 2 is a exciting look at one, the friendship of Caetano and Gil, and two that these two people can still make great music together.  The music is modern and fresh and their unique spin on Jimi Hendrix's "Wait Until Tomorrow" is pretty cool. There is a mix of singing, rap and great percussion on this version and I love it.  I'm sure Gilberto Gil had a bit influence putting this song together and having this song on the album.  There is still some political undertones and even dealing about racism but this album is a joy to listen to. It's worth seeking out 

The album below is the music after the movement.  Once again Soul Jazz Records do a great job of giving an overview of of great Brazil's Tropicalia movement influenced a whole new generation of artists, most of whom are included on this compilation. Fusing folk, rock, funk and psychedelia and just about anything else with countercultural philosophy and radical opposition to the oppressive dictatorship then governing the country, these songs are bold both in terms of form and content. A truly inspiring collection. 

Lastly, there are three books, two are hard to find and one I think is easy to find.  Here are their covers and just a quick note.  I have all these books, I know re-reading the Caetano memoir will give me a few ideas on what other album I should do on this blog.  The Wire Primer book is great because like the magazine, this focuses not only the Tropicalia movement, but other periods or artists.  It is great because it will describe the musician and or artist well, and then it will give a quick paragraph about each album from said period.  Very insightful I use this book often to give me ideas on what I should listen to or write about next.  Wish the Brutality Garden was in print because it's the best.  It's a book full of great information and gives more historical context.

In conclusion I hope you liked this quick study of some real great music from the period.  I'm not the end all on this, there is many websites and other information about this.  I just tried to give a quick overview and added my personal thoughts on the albums and books.  Go explore for yourself and enjoy the music and the reading.  It's my passion to for this era that makes me do more reading and more listening.  I know I missed a lot, but this little bit gave me motivation to do more exploring.  Not sure what period I'm going to take on next, but there is so much to do and prepare for.  Enjoy!


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