I have talked about Gilbert Gil in a few posts.  I talked about the fruitful friendship he has with Caetano Veloso.  I talked about his 1971 album that not only shows his great song writing, but his love of Rock and Roll.  In 1971 he remakes classics by artists such as Blind Faith, Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix. He still does a unique spin of these classics and it is always a treat to hear his interpretations of these songs.  In 1968 Gilberto Gil was quite different.

In 1968 Gilberto Gil was political and in your face with his music and he did not care if the music made the country or government of Brazil mad.  He wanted to take a stand.  He along with Caetano Veloso were here to make political music with tons of commentary.  They made so many waves in February of 1969 they were put in prison for three months.  It maybe nothing, but then after their prison term was over they were in house arrest for another four months.  After this was over there is more.  They have to leave the country for a few years.  Yes, that's right, expelled from their own country.  They were flown out to an undisclosed location and then finally landed in England.

The music of Gilbert Gil around this time seemed innocent with it's light and airy type music, but each song had jab at the government.  The song "Frevo Rasgado" seems like just another song, but it was a bit more then that.  The mix of native Brazilian music and Rock and Roll was totally unique for it's time.  It was music that was addicting and edgy.  I liked it from the first song to the last.  Even Os Mutantes make an appearance on the song "Domingou" and give a nod to music of America at that time.  It sounds like sunshine pop music or a band like The Association.  That is the best way I can describe it.  To me, the music, is something that should be looked into and to explore.  It's music that truly defines the Tropicalia movement.

Gilberto's music is less Rock then Caetano's but the music is more lively then any of the Tropicalia movement. The music of Gilberto has more expression and digs deep in the feelings of what Brazil was in.  It was in all purposes a dictatorship.  It stayed that way till 1985.  Gil's music was addicting and his 1968 was no different.  I talked about his 1971 album and that was more electric and eccentric then this one.  He here he has Os Mutantes back him on a few songs, on that one he has a band.  On this album he also blends his native music and Psychedelic music with no problem.  It's result is quite addicting.  The music is more straightforward then his later work, less with the experimental and more mainstream.  If I started with his music before Os Mutantes I would have I would have taken a bit longer to give this era a listen.  It does not mean it's bad, it means it would been harder to get me hands in this era.  Os Mutantes had rock on their side and less of the native Brazilian music.  All the music from this era is such a treat though.

When I saw both Caetano and Gilberto play in 2016 I was in awe of both.  They took their classic songs and stripped them to the bare bone.  Two guitars and vocals and my favorite highlight talking about their 50+ year friendship and the music they both made.  Gilberto was the most talkative abut he also seemed the most personable in terms of music.  It was my first time seeing Gilberto Gil and he and his music made a huge impact.  Gilberto's 1968 album has some great moments that make you feel like you are involved.  That is a bit of foreshadowing because in 1987 he went into Brazilian politics and in 2003 he became the Minister of Culture.  Even though exiled Brazil still really liked his music.

In conclusion Gilberto's 1968 album is a head spinner.  I love everything about it.  The album blends great music with tradition.  He is as important as all the artists in the Tropicalia movement and more. He used his influence to make change while he was in politics and also in music.  All Gil's music is amazing.  I have mostly early albums but a few of his later albums like Quanta and Acoustic are amazing.  In 1993 he reunited with Caetano Veloso and made Tropicalia 2 and their interpretation of a Jimi Hendrix song is well worth it.  If you start with the first album I posted of his music then make sure you go back to this one. It's a classic, it's excitement like no other.  Take a listen and I'm sure you will agree that this music needs to be heard again and again.  Enjoy!!!


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