FLEETWOOD MAC PART TWO: Then Play On Peter Green RIP! 1946-2020

Can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing, I aint pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to
Oh well
Now when I talk to God
I know he understands
He said "stick by me and I'll be your guiding hand"
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to
Oh well

I grew up listening to a lot of Classic Rock radio.  This was on all the time either at my house or the neighbors.  I would hear the same songs over and over and over again.  My problem there was no variation or creativity.  So hearing and something new on the radio which was extremely rare aways made my head turn. When it did happen I wish they would repeat it so I can record it.  That never happened, but one day it did.  They played "Oh Well" by Fleetwood Mac and about three or so days later they played it again. What are the odds.

About few months later going out to tag sales with my backpack and a few dollars from doing chores I stumbled upon a guy selling records.  I had at least $10.00 and that was more then enough to buy the six records he had.  One record caught my eye and it was called Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits. I only recognized one song.  That one song I thought was a Santana remake called "Black Magic Women" and I was interested in that one song.  When I played that song I realized that this was no Santana and this was Blues version that was unique and very different and so cool.  The solo guitar parts blew my mind.  After that I put the album away for a bit not knowing that the song "Oh Well" on this record was the same song I heard on the radio.

One day on my way back from the library I heard "Oh Well" again.  I quickly went to record I got and saw the song titles matched. I played the record and the music matched as well. I called the station and asked what album this came on.  I have a greatest hits, but there has to be a real album.  The DJ pointed out that I should look for an album called Then Play On.  The next venture to the record store I found Then Play On.  It was way out of my price range and I knew asking a parent was out of the question.  I asked the record store clerk if he had it on cassette. He mentioned that there is a four week or more backorder sometimes it never shows up.  Since I worked at the library I decided to ask if we can order audio.  "Sure can." the lady said. and I quickly put an order in.  I asked for Then Play On and a few others for curiosity sake.

A week later in my mailbox was Then Play On.  Excited to hear the album with "Oh Well" on it was the treat I finally got.  When I got the cassette and looked at the songs it was missing.  I was so bummed.  When I mentioned this to the local record store guy he told me they left it off for unknown reasons he told me that the rest of the album is just as good if not better.  He told me that this is Fleetwood Mac at it's early best.  It was only a matter of time before I stumbled on this awesome album.

After man listens I could totally get what the record store guy was saying.  No only did Peter Green kick butt on guitar but Danny Kirwan, and Jeremy Spencer were also awesome.  This band could really do nothing wrong.  No only make great tunes, but also play with such passion and fire.  Songs like "Searching for Madge" and "Coming Your Way" are just great.  Another song "Rattlesnake Shake" really defines what early Fleetwood Mac was all about.  This is the Fleetwood Mac that should be played on the radio.

On the original the real gem is "Oh Well"  You can find it now on an awesome re-issue of Then Play On and also part one of it on 25 Years The Chain: A Fleetwood Mac Box Set from the early 1990's.  But one part does not do it justice.  While part one is as hard rocking Fleetwood Mac ever got, part two is completely opposite.  The first half has vocals by Peter Green and the second half is instrumental and sounds classical almost and with piano and recorder and cello it sounds like it should be part of a western film somewhere.  Totally a great song from a great album and great guitar player.  It's Peter Green at his best.

I'm glad I got turned on to the early Fleetwood Mac years with Peter Green his voice and guitar player really made Mac soar.  It was these years that I really think were the best years.  I know there is Rumors and Tusk and other FM radio favorites but the years before that they took what they heard from the classic Blues musicians and made it their own.  It's music that after once listen you are hooked.  Music like that does not come easy.  The genius of this stuff is that you hear music raw and not forced it's why I would put Peter Green as one my favorite guitar players.  Then Play On is an amazing album.  Thanks for the memories Peter Green and please Play On!


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