Live: Going Home With Heart

Okay, back in April of 2019 I wrote about Heart's first album Dreamboat Annie and how monumental that album is.  It's reason is because it gave women a voice and a gave these sisters airplay everyday and you could not go anywhere without hearing one of their songs.  It was a monumental moment in music.  I still love Heart's music and have seen them in concert a few times.  One of the great tours I saw was Heart, Cheap Trick and Joan Jett.  It was an awesome triple bill.  After seeing them perform many times I said to myself that if they can dig in the vaults for a live performance from their early years.  Make their landmark album a box set or even a deluxe edition.  Add some extra music and a second disc of a live from 1976.  It was just a thought, just surprised no one has thought of it yet.

In the 1990's Heart was close to be a band that would tour the nostalgic circuit.  I think even the show I saw was in someway would be what those kinda shows would be.  It's too bad too, because Anne's singing could send your hair to stand up on end and give you chills. Nancy's guitar playing was amazing and they had a backing band that felt the same passion that they had.  There was fire there and you could see it in the performance.  I walked away after the show thinking how great they were.

In 2012 they came on the Kennedy Center Honor's stage and played "Stairway To Heaven" for the surviving members of Led Zeppelin.  It not only made the Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page emotional, it made the audience beg for more.  I for once was hoping this performance would spark something in Heart's management or Anne and Nancy to go hunting through the archives.  It sadly has yet to happen.  I really wish there was something.  Sure there was a Box Set of music that came out the same year called Strange Euphoria, but to me this set could have been big and better.  I'll take the live DVD from 1976 that was on KSWU and a few of the unreleased songs, but where is the Live CD or a complete concert.  After buying it I still felt incomplete.

Around that same time I still wanted more from Heart.  I had all the early albums and now I was really wanting a live show or two.  I reached out to my friend who worked at the radio station and he had a few odd tracks, but not a complete show.  He did tell me about a live album from 1995 I should check out called The Road Home.  It's acoustic and they play all their hits and mentioned that Anne's voice never sounded better then this.  He told me to check it out.  He was sure it was in used CD bins for really cheap.  He was sad that this album did not hold up like the classics, but it was pretty awesome.

It was not hard to find The Road Home and when I picked it up I was ready for for a Rockin show.  When I got home I put it on the stereo for not only myself to hear, but my dad who also liked their music.  When I heard the first sound of the guitar I heard an acoustic not an electric.  I heard the beautiful voice of Ann Wilson and the sweet harmonies of her sister.  I finally realized that this was not a full on electric show, but an all acoustic show.  At least it was something.  It was cool to hear the band play with a string section and hearing reworking of some of their classics.  It was nice to hear some of these songs done acoustically too.

I know I mention that early Heart is the best Heart but this new version or stripped down version is some of the greatest.  The small setting at the Moore Theater in Seattle makes this album simmer with excitement.  Hearing stripped down versions of "Straight On", "Barracuda", and "Crazy On You" sound with freshness and a treat to the ears.  The Road Home is an excellent live album to play for all your Classic Rock friends.  I just wish I was at the shows to see this magic happen.  Check it out if you can, I believe it's pretty easy to find in used CD stores and that is the hidden gem when you find it.  As a live album this is really worth a listen.  Enjoy!!


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