Imagine if Nick Drake did not die at the young age of 26.  Imagine what his music would be like? Would he still be writing and recording?  Would he still do these beautiful songs that we know so well from his three albums he put out?  With only three you have to say these are pretty amazing albums to say the least.  Each of them have at least two classics in them.  For me it was quite hard to pick just one album to introduce the new listener to his music.  I decided on Pink Moon because this is the album that I was introduced as a eighteen year old.  It was the album a friend who worked at the local book and record store pointed out to me.  It is the same album that introduced him to the music when he was a teenager.

Pink Moon is an album that is only about a half hour long, but in that half hour you hear the beauty of Nick's voice.  His odd tuning on his guitar that very few people understood.  Lastly, you will understand his beautiful gift of songwriting.  Put this all together and you have the makings of a masterpiece and when you look back you see that he should have been around longer to do more.  I totally agree.  There is so much to be said about Nick Drake and his music.  It is music I will always say is some of the most creative and interesting.  I love that people now sight him as an influence, but they say it without it being too public about it.  None of his albums are blockbuster sellers, but if your a fan of music like I am then you know it's in the collection.  There was that chance that he could have been the new found thing.  Yes, you remember when they used his music in a Volkswagen commercial.  That passing fad lasted a short time.

Nick's music has been used in movies, but then again that too flew under the radar.  It was used in Garden State.  That is one of twenty times he was featured.  Not to many to make waves, but just enough to get someone curious about his music.  It's that curiosity that got me interested when I was eighteen and needed something new to listen to.  I had stumbled around his music without knowing I had some in my collection. I had this Island records compilation that had two of his songs on it.  When I heard these two short pieces is like hearing a breath of fresh air.  

After hearing these two pieces I had to seek his albums out.  The only problem at the time was Nick Drake's albums were still on the highly expensive to buy list.  At that time of listening to this his vinyl sold for over $75.  It was way out of my price range.  There was even a box set that had all three of his albums plus a an album of unreleased music for $50.00.  Way out my budget for a person not really earning enough to freely buy music.  

When my friend at the record store told me about getting the Nick Drake albums cheaper then getting the box set I was totally ready to spend the money I had.  He pointed out that if I buy all three albums and the bonus album separately I could save about $15 dollars and still come out the wiser.  He told me about his experience listening to these for the first time and how each album left him more and more perplexed on how this music did not interweave through the mainstream.  He pointed out that a lot of his music felt very commercial and yet never reached the wider audience till way after his death.  

The first album he told me to get was Pink Moon.  It's the most popular and also the one that is everyone's favorite to listen to.  He also mentioned if I find any copy on vinyl get it because they are getting harder and harder to find.  He told me a few locations to look for it, and if they don't have it mention his name and they can send you in the right direction.  (publisher's note): as of this writing an original pressing is selling on eBay for $1050.98.  It is a rare first pressing and it looks in VG+ condition.

After an exhausting search I went to a record store that we both knew well and had good luck finding albums of music that we had in common.  I mentioned the name of my friend and guy behind the counter ushered me to a section of LP's that my friend and I had same musical interest in.  In that pile was a later pressing of Pink Moon.  It too was in better condition that even the ones at such a high price.  It's price was a bit steep, but at $40.00 I grabbed it.  When I went to visit my friend he had a smile on his face.  He was happy I found a copy for a good price and a better deal.  He handed me a CD copy and told me that he bought the copy for me.  He also mentioned that the LP should be shelved and the CD should be played more.  We both had a laugh and I went on to purchase the other Nick Drake's to complete my collection.  

Pink Moon is an amazing swan song to the true genius of Nick Drake.  What makes this album a first pick then his other two is the fact that's the rawness of hearing just him and his guitar.  It's a stripped down performance that makes it just beautiful.  You might hear a piano here and there but it's gifted producer Joe Boyd just adding few accents.  Take a listen to a real classic that is synonymous with who and what Nick Drake was.  If this album does not make your head twist then I'm really not sure what will.  Enjoy!!!


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