Ginger Baker, Bill Frisell and Charlie Haden AKA Cream Part II or Power Trio Awesomeness

In 1994 I was handed a promo cassette of a friend who told me I would love this album.  The cassette had three people I knew from all the coolest circles I listened to.  You had Bill Frisell who played played with John Zorn and a few solo albums I had at the time.  You had Charlie Haden who played with my saxophone hero Ornette Coleman.  I had Charlie Haden's solo album Liberation Music Orchestra which was pretty awesome.  Then you have Ginger Baker who played with the best power trio ever Cream.  This was a match made in heaven.  As I took the cassette from the friend I was quickly ready to play it in my car stereo.  As I look at the track listing I noticed a Ornette Coleman song on it.  I was really hoping it was the same song.

As soon as the first note hit my ears I knew I was in for a treat.  Those signature Ginger Baker drums.  Not a single drummer plays like him.  Ginger up to this point of my listening, was my favorite drummer. He still is.  He made playing the drums his own.  He was amazing on everything he touches.  Next, you have Bill Frisell.  In 1994 I was relativity new to Frisell music.  I had a few solo albums and the John Zorn classic Naked City.  All those albums made Bill Frisell one hell of a guitar player and the music left my jaw on the floor.  This album I could tell was going to be a huge favorite in my collection.  Lastly, Charlie Haden.  Since I knew he played with Ornette this was a bonus.  His playing on anything he appears on is huge in my book.  He not only played with Ornette, he played with Keith Jarrett, Carla Bley, and countless others.

When I put the cassette in the deck I was ready for anything these three would throw at me.  I could feel that this will be a joy to listen to.  Each playing at a higher level then they have before.  I would have loved to be the fly on the wall during this recording session.  Each song was more likable then the previous.  Although a short fourty-five minute album goes quickly when you enjoy it.  There were many times I rewinded it and played the song that I previously heard.  These songs were all stellar and I was excited to hear them over again.  I wanted to hear if there is something I missed.  I did miss something, the quirkiness of Frisell's guitar playing or the amazing drumming of Baker's.  It was in full display on a few tunes.

On one of the tunes "In The Moment" shows Ginger Baker at full display of his talent for being an amazing drummer.  The interweaving of Frisell and Ginger basically doing a Cream drum solo made me think this was going to be Cream of the 1990's. This is really great.  I loved the music more and more.  I must admit that I was even playing air guitar and trying mind you, air drumming. After these attempts I realized that I was no Bill Frisell or Ginger Baker.  

Cream of the 90's? Nope, sadly it was not.  They did make another album but it lost it's flair and energy.  Too bad to, their first was pretty powerful.  This music was really something to be hold and I thanked my friend many times for this great album. Going Back Home is an amazing project and concept.  I just wish it was more fruitful and they made more and more music.  These three are giants in their field and any one of them would be a great musician in any other group that they would be in.  Forty-four minutes is not enough.  

All in all this is a great album.  It goes too fast and your seriously wanting more.  These guys are awesome.  Not sure who got this session started but whoever did had a great idea.  The choice of songs and the awesome playing make this album a keeper.  You can even challenge your rock friends with this album.  Fans of Cream or even just Ginger Baker will love listening to this.  Take a listen for yourself and tell me what you think.  I just played it the other day while working on this post.  There is magic in the music and it still sounds as fresh as it did back in 1994.  Enjoy!


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