Pearl Jam Part 1: 10 or Ten

In August of 1991 a friend came over my house with a cassette tape in his hand.  It had actually two copies.  "You Need to Hear this.", he said as he handed me the cassette.  I know you saw some of the videos on MTV, but the rest of the album is amazing.  It is an awesome Rock record.  Start to finish it is so amazing I had to share he mentioned to me.  My friend and I in High School stayed clear of new music unless it was important to give it to listen.  We were Classic Rock junkies and anything else the rest of our class or friends were listening to.  While our classmates were listening to Heavy Metal we were listening to John Mayall or even Pete Seeger.  We were never the listeners of what was popular, we were listeners of what our parents or adults liked. A great example is my classmate in English class loved Paul Simon.  I liked Paul Simon, but I was listening to Booker T. & The MG's.  We had no connection whatsoever to our musical interests.  I would be driving in my car and cranking the stereo to "Green Onions" and my classmates would be playing "Back in Black" by AC/DC.  

When my friend came over we rushed to the stereo and put the tape in the tape deck.  My dad even was wondering what all the fuss was.  Is this the "new Beatles" he called it.  He made all kind of jokes and when the tape started playing his jokes stopped.  He took his ear and turned it towards our stereo.  As all three of us listened and my dad remained silent.  After the first two songs we stopped the cassette.  I turned to my dad.  "Well..., why did you stop?  Play the tape." He said.  It took a lot for my dad to like any music that I came across.  If it was Jazz he was okay with it, if it was Rock and Roll he was very picky on what he liked and disliked.  He was very opinionated.  

After the tape was over my friend and I looked at my dad.  He seemed very impressed with the music he heard.  I payed my friend for the cassette and we both looked at each other like we go the okay to go on a big trip with our parents permission with us in shock.  My friend asked my dad what he thought.  I was a little nervous on what he was going to say, but he was honest and really liked it.  He mentioned to me and my friend that he loved Eddie Vedder's vocals. He loved the words.  He was a big fan of lyrics and he told us that he can finally understand what Vedder was saying.  Most music I listen to he had problems figuring what they were saying.  He liked that they were subtle and not overpowering, but sounded like they had a bright future.  If they keep this he told us, then they will be around for a long time.  Looking back, he was so right.  

After a few listens on my own I liked it more and more.  After those listens not only did I like it, but my dad loved it.  It was fresh new Rock for me and for my dad something that we both can connect to.  When I saw my friend the next day I told him how much my dad liked it too.  He laughed because his dad had no interest into the new music of our generation.  Both our fathers are about the same age, but had little in common with their taste in music.It was my dad who loved the Classic Rock and some Jazz Rock.  He loved bands like Chicago, ZZ Top, Traffic, Stevie Ray Vaughan and the like. His dad was Classic Rock and stuff that was soft and quiet type music.  Nothing too loud or heavy.  

After a few more listens my dad wanted to know if they had any more music.  My dad loved it and my friend's dad just gave him back the cassette and told him to keep his headphones on when listening.  I loved it after many listens and realized how great they were and how much hope they had for the future of Rock and Roll.  My dad never got to see them live, but he loved the way Eddie Vedder sang.  He loved that he could understand his thoughts and ideas through his words.  

Dad's are not supposed to like their kids music, but this broke the rule and I was very excited that my dad was hip to the new hip Rock that was out there.  I gave him Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.  He loved Soundgarden, but had a dislike for Alice In Chains.  It's all about the voice he told me.  He loved their voices and that was good enough for him.  

After I saw the tour of Ten and patiently waited for next album I asked my dad what he liked about the album beside their vocals.  He told me that they had a unique sound that was not flashy or did not show off. He liked their music because it did not sound like anything of the time. It was new, fresh and exciting and he loved that.  He loved they did not copy anyone else and did their own thing.  He was so right and to this day I love them just as much.  He knew something about what makes a great band great and they don't have to try so hard.  Pearl Jam is one awesome band and for you who like them as much as I do, I bet we are in the same boat.  Great stuff, ENJOY!! 


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